Vets Connected™

DynaTouch has a variety of interactive solutions that provide secure and controlled access to carefully selected Internet and/or Intranet content, with “one touch access” to specific topics that are needed most for a specific target audience at a specific point-of-service. Below is information about one of our newest solutions, TIPS Vets Connected for VA Behavioral Health Patients.

Vets Connected Logo

TIPS Vets Connected

for VA Behavioral Health Patients

  • For both inpatients and outpatients
  • Give patients greater sense of control
  • Promote self-confidence and build skills
  • Share stories and testimonials from other Vets and family members
  • Explain PTSD, it’s assessment and treatments
  • Educate family members and caregivers about mental health
  • Provide substance abuse treatments and testimonials
  • Help with eBenefits, claims, calculators
  • Assist with transition/discharge process, including return-to-work programs
  • Offer recreation and diversion with selected games
  • Provide access to My HealtheVet for refills, calendars, appointments
  • Encourage continuing education
  • Improve Vet satisfaction and patient experience with it’s ease of use
A man using a Vets Connected kiosk

– Already proven successful at the Pittsburgh VA.
– Fully compliant with HIPAA, ADA, Section 508 and JCAHO requirements.
– SDVOSB and SBE/WBE procurement supports the VA’s SB contracting goals

TIPS Vets Connected for Behavioral Health Patients provides both inpatients and outpatients with secure and controlled access to a collection of carefully selected general health and wellness content (interactive tutorials, videos, self-assessment tools, etc.), as well as content specifically related to Behavioral Health issues, including PTSD assessment and treatments, help with benefits and claims, stories and testimonials from other Veterans and family members, substance abuse treatment and testimonials, transition assistance for moving forward, tips and guides for families and caregivers, plus games, puzzles and more.

Content is presented in a professionally branded format, with rich graphics that entice users to engage, and large button selections that make it fast and easy for them to do so. It includes pre-designed attract loop graphic displays, mainmenu/ home display, sub-menu displays, plus easy-to-read displays with useful instructions, comparisons, pointers, and helpful tips.

TIPS™ Kiosk Management Software

All TIPS kiosks are powered by TIPS Kiosk Management Software, our proprietary secure browser / lock-down software which:

  • Manages user sessions and day-to-day interaction
  • Restricts access to unauthorized sites
  • Logs system ‘heartbeat’
  • Tracks and reports usage statistics
  • Allows for remote updates on any day at any time
  • And much, much more!
TIPS Kiosk Software Logo

TIPS software has already been approved to operate on some of the most secure healthcare and government networks that exist, including the Military Health System and Defense Health Agency, VA, SSA, FBI and others.

TIPS kiosks also come with a subscription to TIPS Cloud™, our password-protected cloud-based Customer Service Center, where authorized administrators can view system status, view and print system usage data, sign up to receive automatic email reports, upload new screen savers, manage authorized URLs, and submit content change requests.

What People Say

“Yesterday afternoon, I took a peek at the kiosk on the day side. There was one of our patients, an older fellow who is not particularly high-functioning and he was actively engaged in exploring the items available to him on the computer. Two televisions were playing just feet away from him and he seemed enthralled by what he was seeing and oblivious to the other distractions. I watched him discreetly for a few moments and saw him enjoying the process of discovering his own skill and capability. It was wonderful to see! Thank you so much.”

“This has all been more positive than I ever expected!”

Anti-Ligature Sit-Down Kiosk Enclosure

For Behavioral Health environments, TIPS Vets Connected components are housed in a ruggedized, anti-ligature sit-down kiosk enclosure which was carefully designed to reduce the risk of patients harming themselves.

  • Only sloped, rounded surfaces
  • No sharp or pointed edges
  • No exposed power or data connections
  • Tamper-proof fasteners and locks
  • High resolution monitor with safety glass
  • Ruggedized keyboard
  • Overhead signage
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